perm filename CHARS.MEE[AM,DBL]2 blob sn#518686 filedate 1980-06-25 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: LIGO 		Race: Giant    		Fatigue Damage:
C00004 00003	Name: NARGLE		Race: Lizardman		Fatigue Damage:
C00006 00004	Name: ENARGE		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
C00007 00005	Name: ENARTU		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
C00008 00006	Name: ENARTH 		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
C00009 00007	Name: ENARLED		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
C00010 00008	Name: HOTHON 		Race: Halfling 		Fatigue Damage:
C00016 ENDMK
Name: LIGO 		Race: Giant    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	25					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	 9		AdjDX: 9    w/missiles:	9    in HTH: 13
IQ:	 7

MA:	10		AdjMA: 10

Weapons carried:
9	Pike Axe (2+2) jab; move back and charge again (NOT engaged by
		a 1HEX figure!); strikes first in round for double dam.
		Carried one-handed.
9	Club (1+6)
13	HandToHand damage: (1+3)      w/daggar: (1+6)  
9	Heavy Crossbow (3)

Armor protection: 6
	Chain (abs. 3; DX -0)
	Tower Shield (abs. 3; DX -0)

Talents: Shield (1), Pole Weapons (2), Human Lang. (1), Crossbow (1)

Learning: veteran, warrior, 
Name: NARGLE		Race: Lizardman		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	14					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	10		AdjDX: 10   in HTH: 14  
IQ:	14

MA:	10   		AdjMA: 10

Weapons carried:
(10)	Hand (1-1)
(10)	Club (2-handed) (1+3)
(10)	Dagger (1-1)
(14)	HandToHand damage: (1)x2    w/daggar: (1+2)x2

Armor protection: 1 (sm. shield)

Spells: Enchant armor/weapon; Glamor (liz --> halfling; tank <--> unarm.)
	Sleep, Illusion, Lightening, Summon Giant, Aid, Reveal/Conceal
Talents: Tactics (2), Knife (2), Human (1), Shield (2)

Learning: open tunnel, blast trap, lesser item creation

Appears to be a dwarf in plate armor, carrying a sword and shield.
Co-fighter is really a tank, with flowing robes over his armor, glamored to look 
like an unarmored goblin in robes.
Name: ENARGE		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	18					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	 7		AdjDX: 7    in HTH: 11  
IQ:	12

MA:	10   		AdjMA: 10

Weapons carried:
(7)	BattleAxe (3+1)
(10)	Heavy Crossbow (3)   
(7)	Dagger (1-1)
(11)	HandToHand damage: (1+1)    w/daggar: (1+4)  

Armor protection: 
	3 (skin)
	2 (leather)
Talents: Ax/Mace (2), Shield (1), Warrior (2), Vet (3), Missle Weapons (3),
	Crossbow (1)

Name: ENARTU		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	13					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	13		AdjDX: 13   in HTH: 17
IQ:	11
MA:	10   		AdjMA: 12

(13)	Morningstar (2+2)
(9)	L.H. Morningstar (2+2)
(16)	Heavy Crossbow (3)   (every 2nd turn)
(13)	Dagger (1-1)
(17)	HandToHand damage: (1-1)    w/daggar: (1+2)  

Armor protection: none
Talents: Ax/Mace (2), Shield (1), Missle Weapons (3), Running (2), Two Weapons (3)

Name: ENARTH 		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	10					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	14 		AdjDX: 12   in HTH: 16
IQ:	14
MA:	10   		AdjMA: 8

(12)	+2 Fine Hammer (1+6) (ench. to +2 damage)
(10)	L.H. +2 Morningstar (1+4) (ench. to +2 DX)
(3)	Heavy Crossbow (3)   (every 3rd turn)
(8)	+2 Fine Dagger (1+3) (ench. to +2 damage)
(16/12)	HandToHand damage: (1-3)    w/daggar: (1+4)

Armor protection:
Talents: Ax/Mace (4), Two Weapons (6)
Spells: Illusion, Sleep, Dazzle, Enchant item

Name: ENARLED		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	10					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	 6 		AdjDX: -2   in HTH: 5 
IQ:	19
MA:	10   		AdjMA: 6

(-2)	Hammer (1+2) 
(-11)	Heavy Crossbow (3)   (every 3rd turn)
(0)	+2 Fine Dagger (1+1) (ench. to +2 dex)
(5/9)	HandToHand damage: (1-3)    w/daggar: (1+2)

Armor protection:
	Plate (5), Tower Shield (3)
Talents: Ax/Mace (2), Shield (1), Tactics (1), Charaisma (2),
	Knife (1), New Followers (2), Human (1), Literacy (1),
	Blast Trap (3), Alertness (2), Recognize Value (1), Ventril (2)
2 blast traps were prepared, each of the 2+2 (1d6 if 1 hex away) grenade type

Name: HOTHON 		Race: Halfling 		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	 8					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	18 		AdjDX: 16   in HTH: 20
IQ:	13
MA:	10   		AdjMA: 8

(16)	+2 fine Dagger (1+2) 
(21)	Thrown dagger (1)
(15)	Targeted thrown dagger (1)
(15)	Lt. Crossbow (2+1)   (every turn)
(20)	HandToHand damage: (1-4)    w/+2 daggar: (1+1)

Armor protection:
	Leather (2), Sm. Shield (1)
Talents: Thief (2), Master Thief (2), Det Traps (2), Silent (2), Rem Traps (1),
	Knife (1), Thrown Weapons (1), Shield (1), Crossbow (1)